
Pasadena For Jesus!

This ministry is a cry from our hearts birthed in the wake of the Pensacola Revival for a Revival to come to our city of Pasadena, Texas. We have been holding multi-congregational prayer services once a month since January of 2013 specifically for revival in our city.

Over the years God has given us prophetic words and dreams in response to this cry form our heart. From these we have formulated the following seven prayer points. Please join us in praying them and declaring them over our city.

1.  Cry out to the Lord that you would have a heart for Pasadena.

2.  Pray that the Lord would fill Pasadena Memorial Stadium with Revival

3.  Pray that revival would come to Pasadena soon.

4.  Pray that God would release the sheep (believers who are somehow fenced in or penned up) to go forth to bring in the harvest for revival.

5. To bring down the party/debauchery spirit and bind it in chains from operating in Pasadena.

6. For division and strife to fall down flat in Pasadena in every arena and sphere of life.

7. For persevering leadership.