

We have friends all over the globe bring the good news of salvation, healing and freedom. Some of these are:
  • Continental Mission Crusade, Dario and Cindy Parish - CMC has churches all over the globe. Dario and Dario and Cindy are also head Pastors of Comunidad de Gracia in Houston.  
  • Bobby and Iliana Thurston - of Touch the World Ministries minister in Mexico and Cuba. They have a powerful testimony of going where very few are allowed, and seeing God do wonders.   
  • Balasingh Pandian -  He is the apostolic covering over the Jesus Lives Churches and an orphanage in Southern India. He, and wife Helen, show the local Hindu people a powerful and living Christ.
  • Olu Lawrence Ministries - Bishop Olu oversees churches in Nigeria, Africa and ministers all over the world. Every year he ministers to Pastors through his "Light the Nations" conference.
  • Vianney Muhwezi - Apostolic leader over Jesus Celebration Churches in Uganda. He has a powerful prayer ministry and ministers frequently on the subject of prayer. 
  • Louie and Rita Self - Restoration Missions International, a Texas based missions organizations that operates in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo.  
  • Peter Chacko - Apostolic and evangelistic ministry in North India. 
  • Kenny and Christina Carter - They are missionaries in Central Mexico with David Hogan's Freedom Ministries.
  • Lake Hamilton Bible Camp- Resources and camp meetings designed to set the captives free. Lake Hamilton Bible Camp 
  • International Spiritual Warfare Team - Jim and Alberta Landry's ministry designed to equip the saints to fight the good fight, and win.  International Spiritual Warfare Team