
Life After Delivery


Posted by Jean Fisher on

I saw this on Facebook and thought it was too good not to reuse here...   "In a mother’s womb were two babies. One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery?” The other replied, “Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. ...

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God is For Us


Posted by Jean Fisher on

  The first 8 verses of Psalm 44 are praises to God for the victories he has given his people.  The writer has had victory after victory in God, but in verse 9 everything changes. The writer then begins to talk about the defeat that the people of God are experiencing and he claims ...

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When a Promise Goes to the Brink


Posted by Jean Fisher on

  I was thinking about how King David must have felt when THE prophet of his times, Samuel, showed up one day and called him in from keeping all those sheep and, in front of all of his brothers, anointed him as King of Israel. It had to have been an incredible moment for him. One that must ...

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Mudball (The Story of Job)


Posted by Jean Fisher on

Mudball (The Story of Job)   I remember the first time this happened. I couldn’t figure it out. All the work he was doing. First, lights and dirt and water. Then flesh. I was curious I admit. I mean what was it all for? And then that last day when he finished and called all of ...

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Tags: job, god's love, relationship, rule, reign

You Smell


Posted by Jean Fisher on

     A month or so ago I was flipping around radio stations when I hit upon a “hip hop” station. I was saved before hip hop was around so I have not listened to much of it at all. But, for some reason I began to listen to the words of the song that was playing. I found ...

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Tags: shifting atmosphere, evangelism, influence