
God Loves New Things

Posted by Bo Fisher on with 0 Comments

Bo Fisher  - God does NEW Things!

God values new things. Our church names reflect that; New Hope, New Beginnings, New Wine… He gave us a new commandment, that we’re to love one another.  He gave us a new covenant. When Jesus started preaching they called what He said a “new doctrine with authority.” He put a new heart with a new spirit within us. He is bringing a new heaven and a new earth to receive His new Jerusalem.  He made a new and living way for us through the veil, into the very Holy of Holies in heaven. He wants us to be a new lump, without the leaven of sin. He made of us and the Jews together, one new man. He has new mercies every morning.  He gives us a new name that nobody will know but us and Him. He makes new paths in the wilderness and streams in the desert. He created a new priesthood having found fault with the old. He makes of Israel a new, sharp threshing instrument with teeth, with which He will thresh the nations. He gives us new song to sing and reveals new things from the treasuries of His word. He declares new things before they happen. He gives us new tongues to speak in, and new wine to drink and new wineskins to put the new wine in. God says in Rev. 21/5, “And He who was seated on the throne says, ‘Behold I am making all things new.’”

God really values new things and maybe this is in contrast to man. Remember scripture says that, “No one having drunk old wine desires new for he says the old is better.” The tendency of mankind is always to stay. He wants stability and security and to be able to count on things remaining the same. But not God! This is why there are always new songs and new books being written, new poetry and new ideas coming forth, and new art always being created. 

Look forward to the new things God is doing today on earth, and in your life!
